jeudi 25 octobre 2012

Globular Cluster of the Tesseract

Started as a simple dot drawing, and then colorized on PhotoShop (with some techniques from StunnyBoy) to be offered to a very special person for me. As she asked me.

It could seem dull in miniature, but I'm proud of the fact that from a distance, the picture seems drab, but if you zoom on it you can see all the details of the colored stars. Like in the real world!

mercredi 19 septembre 2012

Personal Jesus

Been a long time since my last dot drawing! This one was inspired by The Binding of Isaac, a game I've played for hundreds of hours. I've just imagined the child building his own Christ.

I essentially made it during the first week of an english training. Boring training, as you can imagine. But glad to myself, this was useful after all.
Thanks to my buddy JeanBar', the trip to London was a punch in the face.

mardi 24 avril 2012

Imperial's Flamethrower

Dans l'esprit du Ixien de Juillet dernier, même technique et même but recherché, sauf que là ça a pris un peu moins de deux heures en tout et pour tout. Ma longue session de PhotoShop de l'année dernière aura porté ses fruits, ça fait plaisir...